The Day I Met Marge

Standing in the grocery store line at Safeway, I noticed a well-dressed elderly woman.  An employee had come to wipe the water off the seat of her walker.  The weather was cold and rainy outside.  She stood up straight and announced, “Well, I am 90.”  She seemed to be doing well for her age.

When it was her turn to pay, the small purse where she thought the money was, turned out to be empty.  This sent her to another place in her larger purse to find the money she needed.  I patiently waited as I love older people because they remind me of my grandparents who have both now passed away.

I learned that Marge had walked several blocks to get to the store from her assisted living home to get groceries.  I had driven to the store, I was cold and not very happy about going back out in the rainy weather.  I thought it would be terrible for Marge to go back out in it, so I decided that I would offer to drive Marge and her walker home if she would let me, so I asked her.

She said, “I accept.”  Then proceeded to asked me if I was an angel because she could see the wings sprouting.  She was delightful.  I pulled the car around and made sure she got safely into my car.  I figured out how to collapse her walker and put it in my trunk.  I assured Marge that it was not any inconvenience to take her home and that I would have done it had she been one of my grandparents.

On the way to her place, Marge said she had braved the weather because her son was coming over for dinner and she wanted to pick up some food because neither one of them liked the food in the building cafeteria.  I drove her to the door and made sure she and her walker were safely inside.

A few days later, I thought I would take some flowers over and see how Marge was doing.  The staff at the home said they did not know anyone by that name.  My description of her fit a lot of ladies in that home.   They thanked me for bringing her back but were no help in finding her.   And so, I have lost Marge, but I have gained so much for she had been a bit of an angel herself when we met, filling a void to be loved and appreciated that day in the rain.

Pep Talk for 2015!

Happy New Year everyone!

It is time to review the past year and write down some goals for 2015.  If you are having a hard time getting this done and feel a little discouraged, I have some thoughts to lift your spirits.

At least 80% of humanity lives on $10.00 a day.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Be grateful and generous.  Consider writing in a gratitude journal this year.

We are who we think we are.  If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.  Anything measured improves.  Keep track of your goals.

Write down your plan and break it down into smaller parts in order to achieve it.  Where growth and confidence intersect, we get momentum.

Remember how far you have already come.  You are enough.  Believe in yourself and think BIG.  You will have a successful 2015!


Are you Sleeping?

Many of us do not get enough sleep, especially during the holidays.  Surveys conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (1999-2004) found that at least 40 million Americans suffered from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults reported having sleep problems a few nights a week more.  For children, 69 percent experienced one or more sleep problems a few nights or more during the week.

These statistics were taken over 10 years ago and I cannot believe that the situation has become better.  We all have busy schedules, but maybe we should look at them and see where we can fit in that much needed rest for ourselves and our families.  According to leading sleep researchers, here are some techniques to combat common sleep problems:

  • Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule
  • Don’t drink or eat caffeine four to six hours before bed and minimize daytime use
  • Don’t smoke, especially near bedtime or if you awake in the night
  • Avoid alcohol and heavy meals before sleep
  • Get regular exercise
  • Minimize noise, light and excessive hot and cold temperatures where you sleep
  • Develop a regular bed time and go to bed at the same time each night
  • Try and wake up without an alarm clock
  • Attempt to go to bed earlier every night for certain period; this will ensure that you’re getting enough sleep

Time for Sleep

Sleep affects our relationships, job performance and our overall quality of life.  We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to determine how we can get a good night’s sleep.





Have a Safe and Happy Halloweeeen!

My favorite part of Halloween is finding tiny trick-or-treaters at my door!

There really isn’t much that beats the tiny voices asking for a treat.  Does anyone remember those Miniature Little Golden Books that came in a bag?  I wish I could find them.   I would much rather give those out instead of candy..or maybe with a bit of candy.

Do  you remember when a pillow case served as your candy keeper when you went out?  Then, you would bring the stash home and systematically separate all of the different kinds of loot you received?  Chocolate was king.

Kisses courtesy of Hershey Chocolate

No matter what kind of treats they may find, we all want to keep the kids safe every year.

Here are some reminders:

  • Check all of the candy to make sure it has not been opened.
  • Teal colored pumpkins on a porch will let you know there are treats for kid with food allergies inside.
  • Use reflective tape as part of the costume so children will be seen easily.
  • Take a final check of all costumes to make sure everyone can see to avoid accidents.
  • Slips, trips, and falls are common so make sure kids wear proper shoes or boots.

Have fun and be safe!

I Love Kartoffelpuffer!

This strange German word is pronounced (Kar-toe-full-poofer).  In America, we would call them hash browns.   This amazing treat, cooked to a crispy crunch, was something I anticipated since my last trip to Germany three years ago.


My cousin Elizabeth makes them in her kitchen.  A bowl of grated potatoes takes only a few minutes using a grating machine where you turn the handle and a round blade does the work without putting your fingers at risk.  Then she adds potato flour, salt, a little pepper and whatever else she thinks is needed.  She then fries them to a golden crunchy crisp.  And no, you cannot eat just one!

Kartoffelpuffer and Potato Soup are traditional meals from the Rheinland-Pfalz area of Germany where my mother’s family is from.  Here is a mouth-watering bowl of potato soup, also cooked by my cousin Elizabeth.

German Potato Soup

I like potatoes just about any way you can cook them.  When I am trying to cut out the calories, I find the best way is to eat Sweet Potato Fries baked in the oven.  With a drizzle of olive oil and some parsley sprinkled on top, they satisfy my need for this versatile vegetable.

I can’t wait to return to Germany to experience the amazing Kartoffelpuffer!


100 Ways to Be Well

What is wellness?  The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  The Alliance for Integrative Medicine states the definition of wellness as “ more than just a state of physical health, wellness also encompasses emotional stability, clear thinking, the ability to love, create, embrace change, exercise intuition and experience a continuing sense of spirituality.”

When I was creating the list, I thought of what these words mean to me.  I enjoyed the images that came to my mind as I wrote number 7.  Read to a child. Some of these ways caused me to reflect on my life as in number 72. Get your eyes checked. I never had to worry about this in younger years as much as I do now.  My constant use of the computer has a way of making new glasses necessary.

5. Be conscious of eating well

Regardless of how each of us would define wellness, I think we can all agree that we need to take care of ourselves so we can live longer and enjoy the company of the people we love.  As you read this list, images will form in your mind that will help you define your own ways to be well.  If you would like to share ideas to add to the list, please write and tell me. Enjoy a life of wellness!

1. Play
2. Laugh
3. Plant a garden
4. Cook delicious healthy food
5. Be conscious of eating well
6. Exercise
7. Read to a child
8. Pray
9. Meditate
10. Do nothing for at least 15 minutes a day
11. Drink water to keep hydrated
12. Socialize
13. Be thankful
14. Think of others
15. Call your loved ones
16. Write a letter to a friend
17. Forgive
18. Be kind
19. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
20. Develop healthy habits
21. Review your accomplishments
22. Keep learning
23. Love
24. Dance
25. Smile
26. Sing
27. Pay it forward
28. Create
29. Participate in a community event
30. Share your knowledge
31. Teach
32. Visit your chiropractor regularly
33. Brush and floss your teeth daily
34. Sleep from 7 to 8 hours a night
35. Use your imagination
36. Walk
37. Swim
38. Move
39. Help your neighbors
40. Dream
41. Believe in you
42. Mentor
43. Encourage
44. Inspire
45. Empower
46. Visit your dentist regularly
47. Stretch your muscles
48. Slow down
49. Experience each moment
50. Spend time with your family and friends
51. Anticipate something each day
52. Be proactively healthy
53. Stand for something
54. Follow your passion
55. Organize
56. Experience a massage
57. Take a nap
58. Breathe deeply
59. Think positive thoughts
60. See the best in others
61. Relax
62. Spend time in nature
63. Practice patience
64. Keep learning
65. Inspire
66. Take a vacation
67. Snack on nuts and berries
68. Work smarter
69. Cultivate your strengths
70. Cherish your memories
71. Appreciate life
72. Get your eyes checked
73. Hug
74. Be generous
75. Make friends
76. Be a friend
77. Help someone
78. Be mindful
79. Read a book
80. Take short breaks during your work day
81. Trust your intuition
82. Wash your hands
83. Celebrate when you reach your goals
84. Maintain a sleep schedule
85. Live in the present moment
86. Focus on today
87. Create a support network
88. Reduce stress
89. Listen to soothing music
90. Establish your values
91. Prioritize your day in the morning
92. Find a quiet place to reflect
93. Volunteer
94. Take a Tai Chi class
95. Eat more lentils and beans
96. Substitute whole grain bread for white
97. Choose fruit instead of drinking juice
98. Drink Green Tea
99. Balance carbohydrates and protein
100. Envision success

Summer + Reading + Fun = Children who Read Better

Summer is a great time to keep your children’s reading skills improving by helping them find great books to read.  Most libraries have summer reading programs that are fun for children.  You could even have them invent their own summer reading program.

How about you and the children decide on how many books they will read each week.  Then you can also design the reward system.  Maybe you will use colorful stickers.  Maybe you will plan an excursion to one of the places they read about.   Children of all ages love the fun of having you read aloud to them as well as reading for themselves.

If you are not sure what books to pick for your children, I recommend the bestselling book, The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease.  This updated guide will give you ideas for  great stories your children will love.  Reading aloud to your children makes books treasured memories, increases their vocabulary, and provides a great bonding experience.

When you are reading aloud, read slowly enough for a child to form mental pictures in their minds.  You can change your voice to provide variety.  I like to make different voices for the various characters to help make the book even more interesting.  Summer reading helps children retain and improve their reading levels and be ready for the new school year.

If your children do not like to read, encourage them to find books on subjects that they enjoy and are not too hard for them to read.  As they read, they will build confidence.  Have fun reading this summer!


100 Random Acts of Kindness at a Time

Have you seen the latest idea for thinking about others?  One father and daughter have made difference by making a game out of doing kind things for others.  The premise is when you do a good deed, it doesn’t count of anyone else knows about it.

Click here for the whole story:

What good deed have you done lately?  Think about it and then don’t tell anyone else.  Then it will count as you play the game!

What’s for Dinner?

Do  you spend time wondering what your children will eat for dinner?  Are they picky about eating certain kinds of foods?

“Children love to eat good food and eat food that is good for them especially when they help shop for it, prepare it wth an adult, and understand how it helps their bodies grow.”       Eileen Paul, Registered Dietitian

March is National Nutrition Month and so I want to help families with their reluctant eaters by letting them know about Sammy the Centipede Goes to the Market.

Sammy the Centipede Goes to the Market

Sammy shops through the rainbow colors of fruits and vegetables and talks about what it takes to have a healthy diet.  There are also recipes in the back of the book for children to make with their parents.  Children will have fun with Sammy while they learn to eat nutritious food.


Sammy the Centipede Visits CAL-JAM

Sammy the Centipede books were a popular item at CAL-JAM, an annual chiropractic event for over 2,000 chiropractors and staff held in Costa Mesa, California.  They not only have a conference but it is peppered with Rock music that echoes through the Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

I was thrilled to get one of my favorite main speakers, Dr. Fred Schofield, to autograph a copy of Sammy the Centipede Goes to the Chiropractor for me.   I especially enjoy signing books for children and was happy to oblige anyone who asked me to sign a copy to take home to their family.  Many doctors purchase copies for their offices as patient education and I like signing those too.

A highlight of the conference for me was a story about Dr. Aaron Micko and what his daughter learned from her Sammy book.  He told me that he had recorded a video and I want to share it.

Please click on the picture to go to the link:

Sammy will return next year for more adventures.