Summer is a great time to keep your children’s reading skills improving by helping them find great books to read. Most libraries have summer reading programs that are fun for children. You could even have them invent their own summer reading program.
How about you and the children decide on how many books they will read each week. Then you can also design the reward system. Maybe you will use colorful stickers. Maybe you will plan an excursion to one of the places they read about. Children of all ages love the fun of having you read aloud to them as well as reading for themselves.
If you are not sure what books to pick for your children, I recommend the bestselling book, The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. This updated guide will give you ideas for great stories your children will love. Reading aloud to your children makes books treasured memories, increases their vocabulary, and provides a great bonding experience.
When you are reading aloud, read slowly enough for a child to form mental pictures in their minds. You can change your voice to provide variety. I like to make different voices for the various characters to help make the book even more interesting. Summer reading helps children retain and improve their reading levels and be ready for the new school year.
If your children do not like to read, encourage them to find books on subjects that they enjoy and are not too hard for them to read. As they read, they will build confidence. Have fun reading this summer!