An Invitation to the Joy Restoration Process

Do you hear nagging voices from people who have been in your life and they are still bothering you?  This could be a family member, a teacher, or friend who may have meant well but really affected you and your everyday functioning over the long term. When you are about to make an important decision, do these memories keep you from doing what you know is the right thing?

Some times people tell us things that make a lasting impact on us. They go on with their lives never realizing that they have made an impression on us that could be affecting our lives in such a profound way. I want to offer you a way to release yourself from the grip of what they may have said to you that is holding you back. When I work with people in my programs, this is one area that we address to get them back in touch with their joy.

If you would like to experience release from sabatoging thoughts and memories, I want to offer you my Joy Restoration Experience for $97.  We will have a conversation and go through a process to release those thoughts that are holding you back once and for all.

Just send me an email at and we will set up a time for you. Or call me at 206-271-0497. I am looking forward to hearing from you.