What is wellness? The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The Alliance for Integrative Medicine states the definition of wellness as “ more than just a state of physical health, wellness also encompasses emotional stability, clear thinking, the ability to love, create, embrace change, exercise intuition and experience a continuing sense of spirituality.”
When I was creating the list, I thought of what these words mean to me. I enjoyed the images that came to my mind as I wrote number 7. Read to a child. Some of these ways caused me to reflect on my life as in number 72. Get your eyes checked. I never had to worry about this in younger years as much as I do now. My constant use of the computer has a way of making new glasses necessary.
Regardless of how each of us would define wellness, I think we can all agree that we need to take care of ourselves so we can live longer and enjoy the company of the people we love. As you read this list, images will form in your mind that will help you define your own ways to be well. If you would like to share ideas to add to the list, please write and tell me. Enjoy a life of wellness!
1. Play
2. Laugh
3. Plant a garden
4. Cook delicious healthy food
5. Be conscious of eating well
6. Exercise
7. Read to a child
8. Pray
9. Meditate
10. Do nothing for at least 15 minutes a day
11. Drink water to keep hydrated
12. Socialize
13. Be thankful
14. Think of others
15. Call your loved ones
16. Write a letter to a friend
17. Forgive
18. Be kind
19. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
20. Develop healthy habits
21. Review your accomplishments
22. Keep learning
23. Love
24. Dance
25. Smile
26. Sing
27. Pay it forward
28. Create
29. Participate in a community event
30. Share your knowledge
31. Teach
32. Visit your chiropractor regularly
33. Brush and floss your teeth daily
34. Sleep from 7 to 8 hours a night
35. Use your imagination
36. Walk
37. Swim
38. Move
39. Help your neighbors
40. Dream
41. Believe in you
42. Mentor
43. Encourage
44. Inspire
45. Empower
46. Visit your dentist regularly
47. Stretch your muscles
48. Slow down
49. Experience each moment
50. Spend time with your family and friends
51. Anticipate something each day
52. Be proactively healthy
53. Stand for something
54. Follow your passion
55. Organize
56. Experience a massage
57. Take a nap
58. Breathe deeply
59. Think positive thoughts
60. See the best in others
61. Relax
62. Spend time in nature
63. Practice patience
64. Keep learning
65. Inspire
66. Take a vacation
67. Snack on nuts and berries
68. Work smarter
69. Cultivate your strengths
70. Cherish your memories
71. Appreciate life
72. Get your eyes checked
73. Hug
74. Be generous
75. Make friends
76. Be a friend
77. Help someone
78. Be mindful
79. Read a book
80. Take short breaks during your work day
81. Trust your intuition
82. Wash your hands
83. Celebrate when you reach your goals
84. Maintain a sleep schedule
85. Live in the present moment
86. Focus on today
87. Create a support network
88. Reduce stress
89. Listen to soothing music
90. Establish your values
91. Prioritize your day in the morning
92. Find a quiet place to reflect
93. Volunteer
94. Take a Tai Chi class
95. Eat more lentils and beans
96. Substitute whole grain bread for white
97. Choose fruit instead of drinking juice
98. Drink Green Tea
99. Balance carbohydrates and protein
100. Envision success